Deanship of Academic Affairs
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus


To coordinate and institutionalize student learning assessment efforts through the integration and implementation of the Evaluation of the Student Learning Plan of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.

To provide support services to coordinators of the assessment program about the selection of suitable quantitative and qualitative instruments and the disclosure of assessment results within the campus.

Institution's Mission

Institution's Mission

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Workshop: How to Develop Rubrics to Assess Critical Thinking

The UPR-RP defines Critical Thinking as a "thinking skill that enables the student to analyze and interpret the object of study, by judging, criticizing and analyzing the diverse perspectives in a thorough and constructive way, aiming towards the development of their own criteria".

As a way to 
strengthen general education and implementation of a documented assessment process for critical analysis and reasoning (November 18th, 2010 - MSCHE's Public Disclusure Statement, UPR-RP), the OEAE has recommended that undergraduate programs keep assessing students' critical thinking skills in order to develop a series of measures across our Campus to improve it. One way to enhance the assessment of these skills is to develop effective instruments to assess them. 

To advance the assessment of students' critical thinking skills by developing effective instruments to assess them, the Center for Academic Excelence (CEA) in coordination with the Office of Evaluation of Student Learning programmed the following workshop:

Title: How to Develop Rubrics to Assess Critical Thinking

Prof. Nadia Cordero (OEAE's Coordinator) Prof. Julio Rodríguez (College of Education and OEAE's former coordinator)

Date: Friday October 21th, 2011

Time: 8:30am - 12:00m

Place: Hall CN 339, College of Natural Science - Fase I (first structure, closest to the parking space)

Click here to access the presentation.

The Educator: the Journal of Education - Exclusive interview with the Foundation for Critical Thinking (Spanish Journal - Lima, Peru) 

AACU Critical Thinking Analytic Rubric

Facione & Facione Critical Thinking Holistic Rubric

Critical Thinking Rubrics compile by the OEAE - Part I

Critical Thinking Rubrics compile by the OEAE - Part II

We hope to greet you personally on this occasion.


P.S. (10-24-2011): We would like to share with the UPR-RP community the definition of critical thinking that a group of graduate students develop as part of the workshop: "the ability that person has to deepen on a specific topic, using original ideas and questioning a corpus of preexisting notions with the purpose of organizing a coherent argument"

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